It is time to _/\/\/\ake.

Design is at the heart of all that GINLEE Studio creates and offers. Now, you can be the designer of your pleated bag, top or scarf in our store with our signature _/\/\/\ake experience. Select your choice of styles and colours before immersing in the entire process of pleating and steaming as it is made right before your eyes.
Available at both Great World City and Raffles City stores, _/\/\/\ake is an antithesis against the mass, ready-made model of fast fashion. This on-demand production ensures that we produce mindfully, which in turn minimises waste.
With _/\/\/\ake, we invite you to take a step back and enjoy the tactility of shaping materials. Go on a journey to explore the details and get creative.

Come join us to explore this twist to the age-old art of pleating and feel the beauty of the craft for yourself.
Book a slot with us today.